Joshua Cohen E-books, which made their debut in the 1990s, cut costs even more for both consumer and producer, though as the Internet expanded, those roles became confused. – Joshua Cohen Confused Quotes Consumer Quotes Costs Quotes Cut Quotes Debut Quotes Ebooks Quotes Expanded Quotes Internet Quotes Producer Quotes Roles Quotes Taking trains and trams in Berlin, I noticed people reading. Books, I mean – not pocket-size devices that bleep as if censorious, on which even Shakespeare scans like a spreadsheet. You know you’re a fool when what you’re doing makes even the post office seem efficient.
Edgar Wright When I was at school, I used to end every school day with fountain pen ink all over my hands and face and down my shirt. – Edgar Wright
Charlie Plummer When I was growing up my parents never thought I would be an actor. – Charlie Plummer
Oriana Fallaci I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. It’s that simple! – Oriana Fallaci
Paul Kagame The political, the economic, the social are tied together like the strands of a rope. The social and economic, if they are firm, tend to strengthen the other. – Paul Kagame
Madeline Brewer Let your voice be heard. Don’t stand idly by and let things happen to you. Question everything; be informed. – Madeline Brewer
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