Daniel Farke Each and every head coach has their own ideas and philosophy. This club had a clear picture of what I would bring, and I was aware of what Norwich City means. I decided to sign here because I’m fully convinced this club is where I want to be. – Daniel Farke Aware Quotes Bring Quotes City Quotes Club Quotes Coach Quotes Convinced Quotes Decided Quotes Head Quotes Ideas Quotes Norwich Quotes Philosophy Quotes Picture Quotes Sign Quotes As a head coach you need a strong leadership group behind you and that is exactly what we have with Stuart Webber and our board, we know exactly what direction we want to head and what is possible. Players need trust, they are human beings and only in comfortable surroundings will you bring better performances. We try always to create situations where the players feel comfortable.
AngerCedric Richmond It’s something that black men still go through to this day, which is women clutching their purses, hitting the lock button on store, or just basic attitudes. And even as a U.S. congressman, as a black man, it is very, very frustrating, and you build up an internal anger about it that you can’t act on. – Cedric Richmond
Phil McGraw When I was practicing psychology, I used to tell myself if I ever get to where I’m just doing this for the money or I’m just going through the motions, I’ll quit. – Phil McGraw
Jenna Dewan In high school I was always thinking, ‘Should I be doing more? What else should I be doing?’ Now I know it will all come to me. I just have to trust my path, so that’s very different. – Jenna Dewan
Jordi Molla After directing movies, I respect any director in this world, because making a movie as a director is tons and tons of work. – Jordi Molla
Dada Vaswani What humanity needs today is not merely philosophy or theology, but a message or reassurance. – Dada Vaswani
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