EqualitySarah McBride Efforts to bar transgender people from restrooms are nothing more than an attempt to codify discrimination before our country advances any further on transgender equality. – Sarah McBride Advances Quotes Attempt Quotes Bar Quotes Codify Quotes Country Quotes Discrimination Quotes Efforts Quotes Equality Quotes People Quotes Restrooms Quotes Transgender Quotes Time and time again, we have seen a growing alliance of allies who are willing to stand with trans people, who are educating themselves on trans identity and trans equality, and who understand that our lives are worth celebrating and that our cause matters. It’s well proven that if you have equality in society, society flourishes, and if you have inequality, it doesn’t. So it’s good for everybody.
Gillian Flynn Libraries are filled with stories on generations of brutal men, trapped in a cycle of aggression. I wanted to write about the violence of women. – Gillian Flynn
Gladys Berejiklian I value human life. I don’t want to see human life taken away unnecessarily. – Gladys Berejiklian
Philip Kaufman I shot a lot of close-ups on this movie ’cause there’s like a dual mystery, she’s searching through her haunted past to find some truth and she’s also following an external mystery where she comes to think she might be the killer. – Philip Kaufman
MoneyPowerWalter Annenberg The greatest power is not money power, but political power. – Walter Annenberg
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