Anjelah Johnson Ellen DeGeneres is great. She has this natural style, and she makes comedy look so easy. – Anjelah Johnson Comedy Quotes Degeneres Quotes Easy Quotes Ellen Quotes Natural Quotes Style Quotes Nobody wanted to help me get my start, not to mention it’s tough being a female in a man’s world of stand-up comedy. It’s a very competitive world, and it was a challenge to find my own voice, stick to my guns. When people didn’t really know who I was, and I would get on stage, they would be distracted by what I looked like, so I would have to dumb myself down, in a way, for people to feel safe to laugh.
Frank Vincent I remember playing in Union City, and we had crap games after we finished playing at night. We would go next door to the cab stand where they were playing gin rummy and betting $1,000 a hand. – Frank Vincent
Justin TuckWedding I love rings, but I can’t wear them. I mean, look at my knuckles. My fingers and joints are so swollen from years of playing. That means no wedding band, either. Luckily, I have a very understanding wife. – Justin Tuck
David Josiah Brewer He who is honest in his dealings simply because of the social prestige and position it secures will never develop his higher nature, but will always live along the lower lines. – David Josiah Brewer
Michael Rapino We need to bring down service fees, become much more transparent and regain trust from consumers. – Michael Rapino
Muhammad Iqbal Destiny is the prison and chain of the ignorant. Understand that destiny like the water of the Nile: Water before the faithful, blood before the unbeliever. – Muhammad Iqbal
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