Jerry Leiber Elvis Presley, you can’t define him in a couple of sentences, but he was a country boy and he was very respectful. – Jerry Leiber Boy Quotes Country Quotes Couple Quotes Define Quotes Elvis Quotes Presley Quotes Respectful Quotes Sentences Quotes The early influences, in many ways, were in Baltimore. I was passing open windows where there might be a radio playing something funky. In the summertime, sometimes there’d be a man sitting on a step, playing an acoustic guitar, playing some kind of folk blues. The seed had been planted. The first memory I have was my sisters dancing to the radio when they played records by Benny Goodman and Harry James and of the sort. But the record that got me was a record by Derek Sampson, who was a young guy, called ‘Boogie Express,’ and it was boogie-woogie. Really, it was on fire, and that got me.
FamousMark Helprin In American military cemeteries all over the world, seemingly endless rows of whitened grave markers stand largely unvisited and in silence. The gardeners tend the lawns, one section at a time. Even at the famous sites, tourism is inconstant. – Mark Helprin
Ross Gay Part of the delight of my garden is that you just get lost in it before you’ve even started to do anything. – Ross Gay
Brad MondoLearning I feel like I have my MBA in business at this point. And it’s just insane how far I’ve come with learning about how to run a business and how to have employees and how to be a boss and how to be an effective manager. – Brad Mondo
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