Sebastian Stan Embrace your differences and the qualities about you that you think are weird. Eventually, they’re going to be the only things separating you from everyone else. – Sebastian Stan Differences Quotes Embrace Quotes Eventually Quotes Qualities Quotes Separating Quotes Weird Quotes I came here from Romania when I was 12 years old. I had an accent. High school was tough a little bit for a few years. I wanted to fit in. I wanted to be liked. I wanted to be good-looking. I wanted to be popular. I spent a lot of time thinking, ‘What are these people going to think of me?’ Violence has always been unfortunately embedded in masculinity, this alpha thing.
Chuck Palahniuk I think my heart always goes out to men at the peak of their celebrity who checked out. There’s such an odd, horrible trend in my lifetime for it – Kurt Cobain, David Foster Wallace, Alexander McQueen, Heath Ledger. – Chuck Palahniuk
Avicii I’ve always been a producer – that’s how I see myself first. The DJing came second as a way for me to be able to perform. – Avicii
Claire Denis I suppose I am interested in the variety of human life – how people live. I am most interested in individuals and how they respond to challenges or to difficulties or just to each other. I am curious about people. – Claire Denis
Ben Howland My first introduction to Russell Westbrook was as a leader. It was pretty impressive. – Ben Howland
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