Charles B Rangel Encouragement of higher education for our youth is critical to the success of our collective future. – Charles B Rangel Collective Quotes Critical Quotes Education Quotes Encouragement Quotes Future Quotes Success Quotes Youth Quotes If we believe in our current penal process, then the penalties imposed by judges and juries should be the only sanctions for one’s crime, not the invisible sanctions of the legislature. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was indeed a vital instrument of democracy, ensuring the integrity and reliability of a democratic process that we as a Country hold so dear.
Dagen McDowell And more and more, Joe Biden, from the Democrats’ perspective, looks expendable. He’s disposable. He is political picnic cutlery – if you will. – Dagen McDowell
Donna Leon I’m involved with a baroque opera company here in Italy. I write some of their booklet material, comments on operas. I also write for some baroque opera festivals because this music is my real passion. – Donna Leon
Marc Garneau Well, my father was in the Army and we traveled quite a bit when I was growing up, and I thought that I would like to have a military career, although I was drawn more towards the Navy. – Marc Garneau
Robert Gould Shaw I don’t want to write every week, it’s too much trouble, and I shall only write when I want something. If you think I’m sick when I don’t write, you can send for me to come and tell you. – Robert Gould Shaw
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