Sean Waltman Eric Bischoff wanted to destroy Vince in the ratings, but we wanted them to stay in the game. We wanted it to be neck-and-neck. We didn’t want to skunk the other team and spike the football every single time. – Sean Waltman Bischoff Quotes Destroy Quotes Eric Quotes Football Quotes Game Quotes Neckandneck Quotes Ratings Quotes Single Quotes Skunk Quotes Spike Quotes Stay Quotes Team Quotes Time Quotes Vince Quotes I wouldn’t mind being a part of that 205 Live brand. I can sing every single word of Honky Tonk’s theme song. He was great. He might not be that cruiserweight-style wrestler or a Bret Hart-type of wrestler, but I thought he was great. He was such an over-the-top character, and it was a character on the peripheral of wrestling.
Corin Nemec I’d just gotten into Los Angeles from Texas, where I live, and the phone rang and it was the guy calling about the Willie Nelson video. I was totally excited about it. – Corin Nemec
Montel Williams I started this foundation when I was diagnosed. It was established for one reason, and that was to try to find a cure for MS. Every penny, 100% of the public donations that come into this are given back out in the form of grants to colleges and researchers around the world. – Montel Williams
J M Coetzee Everyone seems to see bleakness and despair in my books. I don’t read them that way. I see myself as writing comic books, books about ordinary people trying to live ordinary, dull, happy lives while the world is falling to pieces around them. – J M Coetzee
Jeffrey Archer At the end of my trial, I was rather hoping the judge would send me to Australia for the rest of my life. – Jeffrey Archer
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