Oriana Fallaci Europe is no longer Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and cultural sense. – Oriana Fallaci Colony Quotes Cultural Quotes Eurabia Quotes Europe Quotes Invasion Quotes Islam Quotes Islamic Quotes Mental Quotes Physical Quotes Proceed Quotes Sense Quotes It must be terribly lonely to be a king instead of a man. I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe, Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism.
El-P Being stupid and compassionate are not conflicts. Being mean and being funny and having something to say are not a conflict. – El-P
Anushka Shetty All the excitement is during the making of a film. Once I’m done with it, I switch to my next project and am excited about that. – Anushka Shetty
Steven Soderbergh I guess I didn’t feel confident enough to be searching in a big public way. I was very content at the time to toil in obscurity on things that I thought might point me in certain directions or teach me certain things – not knowing what that would be. – Steven Soderbergh
Josef Albers Any ground subtracts its own hue from the colors which it carries and therefore influences. – Josef Albers
Johnny Christ We’re always trying to do something better than the last record; to do something different and evolve as a band. – Johnny Christ
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