Richard LaGravenese Even as a kid, I was more enchanted watching Bette Davis than Errol Flynn. – Richard LaGravenese Bette Quotes Davis Quotes Enchanted Quotes Errol Quotes Flynn Quotes Kid Quotes Watching Quotes Barbara Stanwyck movies drove me nuts, like ‘Ball of Fire’ and ‘Double Indemnity.’ I used to go cuckoo when I would see those films. My dad was a presence, of course, but he worked nights a lot, and I would only see him one day a week.
Alice Sebold I’d like to go back to poetry again. I really, really revere good poetry. It’s been my private discipline. – Alice Sebold
Nick Saban One of these days when I’m finished coaching at Alabama, I’ll write an authorized book because there’s only one expert on my life, and guess who that is… me. And there won’t be any misinformation. There won’t be any false statements. There won’t be any hearsay. There won’t be any expert analysis from anybody else. It will be the real deal. – Nick Saban
EqualityKalki Koechlin Being a feminist means asking for equality. But people take it the other way at times. It is looked down upon is because it is seen as man-hating. But, feminism is a really crazy idea that suggests men and women are equal. – Kalki Koechlin
David Farr The ‘Mahabharata’ is a more complex and longer saga than the ‘Ramayana,’ which is like a fairy tale. It’s much lighter and more fun, and at its heart, there’s a cracking love story. – David Farr
Daniel Ricciardo I’ve learned what F1 is like, and it is an extremely competitive sport on and off the track. – Daniel Ricciardo
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