Reid Hoffman Even by Silicon Valley standards, PayPal’s vision was massively ambitious. – Reid Hoffman Ambitious Quotes Massively Quotes Paypals Quotes Silicon Quotes Standards Quotes Valley Quotes Vision Quotes PayPal was disruptive, it was democratizing, and it had universal appeal. It gave power to millions and millions of individuals and reduced monopolist control from nations, banks, and other huge corporations. As a child, I wondered often, ‘Why are we? What is the meaning of life?’ These questions made me realize that life is what has meaning – not just individual lives, but all of our lives.
Sohla El-Waylly Instant dashi is also the key ingredient to these savory dinner oats, which I developed specifically to showcase this powerful powder. Someone a long time ago decided that oatmeal belonged in the breakfast category, but I think that chewy, hearty, steel-cut oats need more airtime in our lives. – Sohla El-Waylly
David Means I don’t think you could write fiction or create art unless you are sort of a positive person. – David Means
Maggie Gyllenhaal Most people are interested in seeing 27-year-old women who are in movies somehow connected to sex. It’s interesting to everyone. Especially little movies that are having trouble getting made, there’s always sex. – Maggie Gyllenhaal
Nigel Lawson However useful computer models may be, the one thing they cannot be is evidence. Computer climate models are simply conjectures. – Nigel Lawson
Caroline Ghosn It’s a must to continually stay alert and aware because ideas come from everywhere. And beyond relying on your fine-tuned radar to pick up on the next inspiration, consider seeking mentors. – Caroline Ghosn
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