Chris Lowe Even the Beatles lived their lives as a soap opera. – Chris Lowe Beatles Quotes Lived Quotes Lives Quotes Opera Quotes Soap Quotes House music is about love, and lots of hip hop is about hate and intolerance, so in that respect, it’s not good at all. Chart positions aren’t the be all and end all.
Katie Leclerc In the deaf community, in order to play a role of someone with a hearing loss… you have to have hearing loss. – Katie Leclerc
Carl JungHistory Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood? – Carl Jung
Bryant H McGillRespect One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. – Bryant H McGill
Patrick Macnee I’m not surprised ‘The Avengers’ has such enduring popularity, because it was a groundbreaking series that changed television. It was the first show that put its leading man and leading lady on an equal footing and showed a woman fighting and kicking and throwing men around. That was a radical departure in its time. – Patrick Macnee
Harland Williams What’s interesting about Stephen Baldwin is that me and Dana Gould were originally cast for ‘Bio-Dome’ – but Pauly Shore and Baldwin ended up doing it. So there’s a little movie trivia for ya. – Harland Williams
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