Esther Williams Even though I had a lucrative contract with MGM, I had a husband who was drinking and gambling our money away faster than I could make it. – Esther Williams Contract Quotes Drinking Quotes Faster Quotes Gambling Quotes Husband Quotes Lucrative Quotes Mgm Quotes Money Quotes My training in Science of Mind had begun with my mother. She took me to a different church every Sunday, and she encouraged me to question the minister afterward. Howard Hughes himself was a regular at the restaurant, and in a way it became his headquarters, too. Howard had recently relocated to Las Vegas, so when he wanted to do business in Los Angeles, he went into the back of our restaurant to use the telephone.
Nico Santos We, Filipinos, are really great about keeping a positive attitude and seeing the silver lining in all things. We’re survivors! – Nico Santos
Manoj Kumar Gulshan has only gone away physically. He was a wonderful man. He was a friend to everyone, never gossiped. – Manoj Kumar
John W Thompson So you will see us continue to advance the state of the art or take information that we have in our response data bases and have that drive automation or an automated response by some of our products. – John W Thompson
Dakin Matthews I think there’s something about a sylvan setting; you want grass and nature with outdoor Shakespeare. – Dakin Matthews
Matt Bomer Activism isn’t beautiful and easy, or a bunch of people getting together and picketing; it’s a lot more complicated and difficult than that. – Matt Bomer
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