Nuno Bettencourt Even with Extreme, I don’t think you have a choice but to sort of have somewhat of an influence of the times. – Nuno Bettencourt Choice Quotes Extreme Quotes Influence Quotes Sort Quotes Times Quotes As opposed to touring for three years and then going into the studio and writing an album, I think this record is representative of a lot of everyday people. Half the bands I guarantee wouldn’t at this point want Nuno to open for them.
Manny MUA I want to become successful and represent a different form of beauty in my generation. – Manny MUA
James Welch I wander around, get the lay of the land and try to imagine what kind of people would have lived there in that historical period. What would they eat? What kind of clothing would they wear? How did they shelter themselves? How did they get around? – James Welch
Harrison Ford I don’t do a huge amount of physical activity. I play tennis, I work out sporadically, and I eat well and take care of myself. – Harrison Ford
Lauren Willig My own inclination is to skew towards humor. They say that some people view life as a comedy, others as a tragedy. Me? Comedy all the way. – Lauren Willig
MenSamuel GompersTimeWomen Time is the most valuable thing on earth: time to think, time to act, time to extend our fraternal relations, time to become better men, time to become better women, time to become better and more independent citizens. – Samuel Gompers
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