Charles EamesDesign Eventually everything connects – people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se. – Charles Eames Connections Quotes Connects Quotes Design Quotes Eventually Quotes Ideas Quotes Key Quotes Objects Quotes People Quotes Quality Quotes Recognizing the need is the primary condition for design. The details are not the details. They make the design.
Nick Searcy I had a band in college called ‘Nick Fear, The Most Terrifying Name in Rock and Roll.’ Every time we played a concert at a dorm, I felt like Elvis. – Nick Searcy
Rithy Panh To me, form is not something that you can plan beforehand, especially for a documentary. You can’t write it or sketch it. It requires a confrontation with reality, with history, with ethics and morals. After identifying good content, you have to find the right form to express that content. – Rithy Panh
Jay-Z If I go into a studio and find my truth of the moment, there are a number of people in the world who can relate to what I’m saying and are going to buy into what I’m doing. Not because it’s the new thing of the moment, but because it’s genuine emotion. Its how I feel. This is how I articulate the world. – Jay-Z
Geoffrey Fisher Some of the press who speak loudly about the freedom of the press are themselves the enemies of freedom. Countless people dare not say a thing because they know it will be picked up and made a song of by the press. That limits freedom. – Geoffrey Fisher
Samuel Eto'o By God’s grace and strength of my work, I’ve managed to build a respectable image that I use to serve both my continent and my country. – Samuel Eto’o
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