Lion Feuchtwanger Ever since my youth it has disturbed me that of the literary works that survived their own epoch, so many dealt with historical rather than contemporary subjects. – Lion Feuchtwanger Contemporary Quotes Dealt Quotes Disturbed Quotes Epoch Quotes Historical Quotes Literary Quotes Subjects Quotes Survived Quotes Youth Quotes Asking the author of historical novels to teach you about history is like expecting the composer of a melody to provide answers about radio transmission. Like the philosopher, the author views his task as one of establishing a clear connection between life and history, and of making the past bear fruit for the present and future.
Albert HammondJr I couldn’t sing without a guitar. I like the way it feels to sing and be holding a guitar, even if I’m not playing it that much. All my idols that I grew up liking always had a guitar on them, but they didn’t play it – Buddy Holly, John Lennon, Lou Reed, Elvis Costello. It’s like having a partner with you. – Albert Hammond, Jr
FunnyJason Mantzoukas Looking the way I look, whenever anybody’s looking for a light brown funny guy, I get the call… I’m 100 percent Greek, but I look like I could be Indian or Middle Eastern or Hispanic. If it’s ethnic, they’ll try and put me in it. – Jason Mantzoukas
John Cho It’d be nice if Asian actors could be perceived as profitable, which is the bottom line. We’re perceived as not mattering much fiscally. – John Cho
Nikita Khrushchev Do you think when two representatives holding diametrically opposing views get together and shake hands, the contradictions between our systems will simply melt away? What kind of a daydream is that? – Nikita Khrushchev
Rob Minkoff Mr. Peabody is so exceptional in so many things, but he’s got to have an Achilles’ heel… he can’t be perfect. – Rob Minkoff
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