Dennis Muilenburg Every airplane sale overseas generates U.S. jobs. – Dennis Muilenburg Airplane Quotes Generates Quotes Jobs Quotes Overseas Quotes Sale Quotes When you think about our 13,000 small and medium businesses in America that are part of our supply chain, and that’s more than 1.5 million manufacturing jobs. So it’s a significant job generator. Boeing has won in the marketplace for 100 years because of innovation, and we need to continue to invest in innovation for the future. And our cash generation strength is what allows us to do that.
Juergen Teller When I became a father, all that stuff rose up again from the back of my mind. I suddenly realised how uninvolved my father had been in my life. – Juergen Teller
Josiah Royce Of this our true individual life, our present life is a glimpse, a fragment, a hint, and in its best moments a visible beginning. – Josiah Royce
James Hogg The charge was left entirely to himself from midnight until the rising of the sun; and if all the shepherds in the Forest had been there to have assisted him, they could not have effected it with greater propriety. – James Hogg
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