Jerry Della Femina Every automobile ad looks alike. – Jerry Della Femina Alike Quotes Automobile Quotes Once you’re not No. 1, it doesn’t matter where you are. As long as the attitude is to only show the sheet metal, then automobile advertising will continue to be wretched.
Natalia Kills Every bad thing that’s happened to me has defined me, has shaped, has moulded me. – Natalia Kills
Neil Postman School has never really been about individualized learning, but about how to be socialized as a citizen and as a human being, so that we, we have important rules in school, always emphasizing the fact that one is part of a group. – Neil Postman
Alex BerensonComputersFaith Economics pretends to be a science. Its practitioners fill blackboards with equations and clog computers with data. But it is really a faith, or more accurately a set of overlapping and squabbling faiths, each with its own doctrines. – Alex Berenson
Clemantine Wamariya Everything I own in my closet has a story. Stuff is not just stuff – things were given to me with love. – Clemantine Wamariya
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