Poppy Montgomery Every rule should be broken at least one time. – Poppy Montgomery Broken Quotes Rule Quotes Time Quotes Maybe I’m secretly in my soul a method actor. You can make all the birth plans in the world, but at the end of the day – go with the flow.
Rachel Simmons Whether you chose a passive-aggressive husband, workaholic wife, or life of single motherhood, we are all officially allowed – and uniquely qualified – to critique our own life experience. Please don’t pretend you’re living mine. – Rachel Simmons
Dean Rusk The usual cause of evil in the world is that at any given time half the people in the world are awake. – Dean Rusk
Jemima Khan Fame infantilises and grants relative impunity. Those that seek it, out of an exaggerated need for admiration or attention, are often the least well equipped to deal with criticism. – Jemima Khan
LifeSydney J Harris When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’ I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?’ – Sydney J Harris
Bart Millard Probably about 10 years ago or so I told my grandmother that I always wanted to make a record of hymns if I could ever make a career of all of this. She kind of held me to it. She passed away in 1999. I just never forgot it. – Bart Millard
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