Andrea Arnold Every time I start a film I feel like I’m starting the first time, ever. – Andrea Arnold Feel Quotes Film Quotes Start Quotes Starting Quotes Time Quotes Interestingly, I never thought I’d do an adaptation. I’ve also been quite against them. I think trying to translate one medium to another is wrong. I never really felt that books fitted into film. Generally people are disappointed, aren’t they? A lot of people have something to say about ‘Wuthering Heights,’ but nobody quite nails it.
David H MurdockFood By eating many fruits and vegetables in place of fast food and junk food, people could avoid obesity. – David H Murdock
Gary Johnson I think libertarians need somebody who can articulate getting from A to Z. But you know, if G is achievable, how about it? Let’s get there! – Gary Johnson
Elizabeth Bibesco Isn’t that what love means, to fill ordinary, commonplace, conventional things with magic and significance, not to need the moon and white scent-heavy flowers at night? – Elizabeth Bibesco
Isaiah Mustafa I think an education is beneficial, but whether it takes an education to be successful in the arts is a whole other question. – Isaiah Mustafa
Sheila Heti I’d rather that people could be both entertained and given rest while reading my book than for someone to have to put the book down to take a rest. You can’t just be lighting firecrackers all the time. – Sheila Heti
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