Percy Sledge Every time I went into the studio, I always sung with my heart. If it came out as strong, as good, as powerful as that to my fans, then I was satisfied. I never slacked. I always did all the songs the same way as the first. – Percy Sledge Fans Quotes Heart Quotes Powerful Quotes Satisfied Quotes Slacked Quotes Songs Quotes Strong Quotes Studio Quotes Sung Quotes Time Quotes I keep my feet on the ground because of my roots and the way I was raised. I had the great opportunity to work with some of the greatest artists – the Beach Boys, the Temptations, the Four Tops. Otis Redding. Wilson Pickett. Stevie Wonder. So many great singers. And don’t forget Clarence Carter!
David Archuleta I knew people liked me on ‘American Idol,’ but I didn’t think they’d care to come see me sing at my own show. – David Archuleta
Andy HobsbawmIntelligence Among many other things, a smartphone functions as a handheld digital sensor for the physical world. In other words, we don’t necessarily need our real world things to be directly connected, when the Web interface in our mobile devices provides the network access and intelligence. – Andy Hobsbawm
Song Hye-kyo Song Joong-ki is known for his sincerity and manners. He is younger than me, but I thought I learned many things from him. – Song Hye-kyo
Michael JordanWisdomWork If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it. – Michael Jordan
Sharice Davids The discipline it takes to train and push past discomfort and continually grow through both trial and error and critique are things that translate really well into the process of running for office. – Sharice Davids
Jaime Camil The real mariachis in Mexico are singers like Agustin Lara and Pedro Infante and Jorge Negrete – the Golden Era of Mexican Filmmaking. Mariachis sing very soft and very beautiful. That’s old-school mariachi. They are caressing the songs. – Jaime Camil
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