Hasan Minhaj Every time Trump goes golfing, the headline should read, ‘Trump Goes Golfing. Apocalypse Delayed.’ – Hasan Minhaj Apocalypse Quotes Delayed Quotes Golfing Quotes Headline Quotes Read Quotes Time Quotes Trump Quotes Everything isn’t breaking news. You can’t go to DEFCON One just because Sanjay Gupta found a new moisturizer. Sean Spicer has somehow been doing PR since 1999, which is 18 years. Somehow, after 18 years, his go-to move was denying the Holocaust.
Olivia Colman This may sound mad, but you sort of assume that no one’s going to watch what you do. You go on set, have a lovely time, and then you forget anyone’s going to see it. So it’s always a bit of a shock to be recognized. I get terribly embarrassed. – Olivia Colman
Scott Michael Foster I grew up in Dallas, and my dad works for IBM, so I grew up in the environment of Silicon Prairie. – Scott Michael Foster
Peter De Vries We are not primarily put on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through. – Peter De Vries
Pedro AlmodovarStrength I also wanted to express the strength of cinema to hide reality, while being entertaining. Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness. – Pedro Almodovar
Mike Vogel When my wife and I met, I couldn’t talk to her – and my defense mechanism is sarcasm. I belittle someone with verbal pokes and prods. I did it to her out of complete awe. When friends introduced us, I said ‘Hi’ – and turned my back. Later, I called my mom and best friend and said, ‘I think I just met my wife.’ – Mike Vogel
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