Beneil Dariush Everyone in Iran has wrestled, except for me, I never wrestled in Iran for some reason. – Beneil Dariush Iran Quotes Reason Quotes Wrestled Quotes I’m telling you I was from such a small village I didn’t even know what wrestling was until I came to America. If you think it’s worth selling yourself out, go for it. But I’m not selling myself out so I can make a little more money. I’m not selling my character out for that.
Gord Downie Bob Rock taught me a lot. His friendship has taught me a lot about what you should expect from a recording session and, more importantly, how you shouldn’t expect anything less than absolute joyousness. You should feel great. You should feel 14 to be doing it. It’s true and it’s rare. – Gord Downie
Sofia Vergara I like TV, I feel comfortable there and I’m willing to take every opportunity that’s offered to me. – Sofia Vergara
Christian Bale It’s about pursuing it rather than waiting to see what comes along. That’s partly because I found myself getting typecast, as everyone does unless they pursue roles that are very different from what they’ve done before. – Christian Bale
Edward James Olmos You get more churches burned down in the United States in the last two years than in the last hundred, because of the lack of understanding of culture and diversity and the beauty of it. – Edward James Olmos
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