Mario Vargas Llosa Everyone is in a rush in New York, even in restaurants and in cafes. You dont have the serenity. That, I think, is very important in order to read. – Mario Vargas Llosa Cafes Quotes Read Quotes Restaurants Quotes Rush Quotes Serenity Quotes York Quotes I was absolutely convinced that I wouldn’t win the Nobel Prize. My impression was that the Nobel Prize in Literature was given to people more or less affiliated with, let’s say, socialist ideas, and that was not my case. In general, a writer would like to think that the best book that he has written is the book that he is writing, and the next book will be even better. Maybe if this is not true, it is very useful to keep the illusion alive.
Enrico Colantoni From Italy, I’d get calls from cousins and aunts saying, ‘I don’t think you should act. It’s really tough. What are the chances?’ This was around the time ‘Flashdance’ came out, and I was like, ‘What about your dreams? I’m a maniac.’ – Enrico Colantoni
Sanford I Weill I’ve had a terrific life, from building one company to be the second largest company in the securities industry and merging that into American Express, and becoming president of that company. – Sanford I Weill
Bruce Willis I’m staggered by the question of what it’s like to be a multimilionaire. I always have to remind myself that I am. – Bruce Willis
Donny Osmond I am fine with ‘Puppy Love.’ I hated it for a while. But I still sing it. I have a country version, a sexy version and a cheesy nightclub version. I am trying to infuse it with maturity. I will never escape that song. I will always be Mr. ‘Puppy Love.’ – Donny Osmond
DatingLindsay Lohan My mom is going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people. But I don’t want to put myself in the position where I’m in a monogamous relationship right now. I’m not dating just one person. ‘Sex and the City’ changed everything for me because those girls would sleep with so many people. – Lindsay Lohan
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