Joe Flacco Everyone knows quarterback is a position where it takes a while to really start playing well. – Joe Flacco Playing Quotes Position Quotes Quarterback Quotes Start Quotes Takes Quotes You can’t be afraid to say, ‘Coach, I don’t understand.’ If you let yourself believe that you are unsure about what you’re doing, then the game is fast. But if you go out there and you’re confident and have an idea of what you’re supposed to do, then the game slows down for you.
Damian Woetzel There are a lot of possibilities I’m looking at for the future, but I’m very insistent on not limiting myself. – Damian Woetzel
Aamir Khan Creative people have no barriers. Ultimately, it’s connecting with human beings. There’s just one planet. I don’t see it as different countries. – Aamir Khan
Syd I feel like once you go with a band, it’s hard to go back. I just don’t see myself performing without a band. – Syd
Alber Elbaz I’ve always said fashion is like roast chicken: You don’t have to think about it to know it’s delicious. – Alber Elbaz
Michael Capuano I’m very proud of my record and I know that it’s controversial to some, but I have as high a score as you can get from groups like the National Organization for Women, the NAACP, the League of Women Voters and on and on and on. – Michael Capuano
Omid Djalili There’s so much terrible stuff in the clubs: you see audience’s minds being polluted by awful language and base thoughts. But perhaps some people think that about my comedy. – Omid Djalili
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