Simon Mainwaring Everyone living under the social contract we call democracy has a duty to act responsibly, to obey the laws, and to abandon certain types of self-interested behaviors that conflict with the general good. – Simon Mainwaring Abandon Quotes Behaviors Quotes Conflict Quotes Contract Quotes Democracy Quotes Duty Quotes Laws Quotes Living Quotes Obey Quotes Responsibly Quotes Selfinterested Quotes Social Quotes Types Quotes Greed has increasingly become a virtue among Wall Street bankers and corporate CEOs in the U.S. Nowhere else in the world do CEOs insist on receiving compensation as high compared to what their employees earn. However, it was the great 18th century social philosophers John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau who brought the concept of a social contract between citizens and governments sharply into political thinking, paving the way for popular democracy and constitutional republicanism.
Emily Weiss We wanted Glossier to have an excellent customer experience and reach as many of you as possible from day one, so we went with venture – the stuff fast-growth, tech-enabled companies like Facebook, Amazon, and Apple are made of. – Emily Weiss
Bobby Heenan Have you ever been to Glens Falls? The city limits signs are on the same post. – Bobby Heenan
Megan Amram There might be people who have never even tweeted before who are just working on their great American tweet. It will be so good that we’ll all have to stop Twitter right away. I would like to write the great American tweet. I don’t think the great American tweet has been written yet. We’d know. – Megan Amram
Jennifer EhleWork My natural accent is American. I chose to speak with a U.K. accent when I was about to enter the final year at drama school in London. I was going to try to find a way to stay in the U.K. after I finished college and could not imagine trying to live and get work there with an American accent. – Jennifer Ehle
Jonathan Ive We won’t do something different for different’s sake. Designers cave in to marketing, to the corporate agenda, which is sort of, ‘Oh, it looks like the last one; can’t we make it look different?’ Well no, there’s no reason to. – Jonathan Ive
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