Nick Yarris Everyone seems to be rushing through their lives, wishing they had just two minutes to do all the things they want to get gone. – Nick Yarris Lives Quotes Minutes Quotes Rushing Quotes Wishing Quotes I used to dream about being able to sit at a table with another human being, have a normal conversation, and have a meal with normal cutlery, and have normal moments. I taught myself German and psychology. Learning about psychology really helped me understand myself and the others around me and it helped keep me sane.
Fredrik Bajer I would rather propose a bureau somewhat similar to that which we have in the Universal Postal Union. – Fredrik Bajer
Bobby Bones Instead of the wacky morning show that sounds canned, my team is sitting over there, waiting for me to say something or ask something. And sometimes the reaction is awesome, and sometimes it’s terrible. But they’re reacting as humans instead of as DJs. – Bobby Bones
Joe Elliott The most frustrating thing for musicians who want to play stuff from the new album is when everyone goes out to buy a beer. – Joe Elliott
Evan Bayh Baseball may be our national pastime, but the age-old tradition of taking a swing at Congress is a sport with even deeper historical roots in the American experience. Since the founding of our country, citizens from Ben Franklin to David Letterman have made fun of their elected officials. – Evan Bayh
Melvin Van Peebles A bumblebee can’t fly. He’s aerodynamically unsound. But he doesn’t know that. – Melvin Van Peebles
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