JC Chasez Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It’s not that I like to sleep, it’s that I don’t like to get up! There is a difference. – JC Chasez Difference Quotes Sleep Quotes If there’s one thing that I love as an entertainer, it’s a spectacle. We all have looked up to either Michael Jackson or Madonna or Janet Jackson or anyone of those things. When I was in *N SYNC, I would watch any concert video ever and really drink it all in. The beauty of music is that everyone hears it their own way, and every song you hear leaves an impression on you that alters the way you hear everything from that point on.
Elaine ChaoGovernmentHealth Most private sector workers can only dream of getting the generous lifetime pension and health benefits typical of government service. – Elaine Chao
John Cornyn Nothing makes the minority leader more mad than when his side is forced to play by its own rules. – John Cornyn
China Mieville I remember vividly what it’s like to read as a 10-year-old – that passionate inhabiting of a book. – China Mieville
Rich Sommer Frankly, as much as I love to improvise, it hasn’t been difficult to stick to the script on ‘Mad Men.’ The writing is so precise, and the story so carefully crafted, that I don’t think there’s room – or need – for ad libbing. I could never come up with dialogue as lovely as these writers do, anyway. – Rich Sommer
Algernon Charles SwinburneFearHopeMenThankfulThanksgiving From too much love of living, From hope and fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives for ever; That dead men rise up never; That even the weariest river Winds somewhere safe to sea. – Algernon Charles Swinburne
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