Ben Miller Everything in politics is so stage-managed. – Ben Miller Politics Quotes Stagemanaged Quotes I adored ‘Drop the Dead Donkey.’ That show defined Channel 4 at the time; it was so inventive and off the leash. Much as I respect Russell Brand’s point of view, I’m in the opposite camp to him about voting. I think it’s enormously important to engage with the electoral process.
David Mitchell Every relationship has its own language. It takes a long time to evolve and read one another. Just as it’s true for people, it’s also true on a national or cultural level. – David Mitchell
Anna May Wong I’m Anna May Wong. I come from old Hong Kong. But now I’m a Hollywood star. – Anna May Wong
Natan Sharansky Free societies are societies in which the right of dissent is protected. – Natan Sharansky
Darren Flutie We knew the people in Natick and knew the teachers that would be teaching our children. It was important for us to be involved in the Natick community because we think so highly of it. – Darren Flutie
Mookie Betts I want to be a great role model to let the kids, especially black kids, that it’s possible to make it in this sport. I think we, as a black community, quit playing the game because we think it’s a white man’s sport. Or we think that since other black people don’t play it, so why should I play it. – Mookie Betts
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