Isaac Barrow Facetiousness is allowable when it is the most proper instrument of exposing things apparently base and vile to due contempt. – Isaac Barrow Allowable Quotes Base Quotes Contempt Quotes Exposing Quotes Facetiousness Quotes Instrument Quotes Proper Quotes Vile Quotes Because men believe not in Providence, therefore they do so greedily scrape and hoard. They do not believe in any reward for charity, therefore they will part with nothing. Wherefore for the public interest and benefit of human society it is requisite that the highest obligations possible should be laid upon the consciences of men.
Luke Pasqualino You can’t steal every scene. There are scenes in which you need to sit back and do a lot less, verbally, physically. – Luke Pasqualino
Colm Wilkinson You do get a lot of people complaining if you don’t do songs they have come to expect. I have to be careful about fulfilling that side of things and keeping it fresh for other people who have come to see the show. – Colm Wilkinson
Michael Ealy I honestly think I’m just an actor. It doesn’t matter the medium. I can go on stage and be happy, I can be on TV and be happy. – Michael Ealy
Bernie Mac The success of my comedy has been not being afraid to touch on subject matters or issues that everyone else is politically scared of. – Bernie Mac
John T Chambers I don’t make fun of people. I call people by what they want to be called. What does your best friend call you? What does your spouse call you? It helps you emotionally connect to people. – John T Chambers
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