John Ridley Facts tend to take the punch out of a good hate rant and are therefore left best unsaid. – John Ridley Hate Quotes Left Quotes Punch Quotes Rant Quotes Tend Quotes Unsaid Quotes Oh, happy day when the enemies of ascendancy have got to confess that people of color rock. For children, diversity needs to be real and not merely relegated to learning the names of the usual suspects during Black History Month or enjoying south-of-the-border cuisine on Cinco de Mayo. It means talking to and spending time with kids not like them so that they may discover those kids are in fact just like them.
Chris Riddell There are loads of fan sites for the ‘Edge,’ including deviant art, song lyrics using ‘Edge’ language, multiple entries on Wikipedia, there are even some ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ games all about the ‘Edge.’ – Chris Riddell
Jean Marsh If you are going to cover yourself for warmth and decency, you might as well cover yourself interestingly or well. – Jean Marsh
P J Tucker No one wants to be patient. No one wants to wait for anything. They want it right now – that instant gratification. – P J Tucker
Nicholas Stern We run enormous risks and we know what kind of reductions of greenhouse gases are necessary to drastically reduce risks. Reducing emissions by half by 2050 is roughly in the right ballpark. It would bring us below 550 ppm. – Nicholas Stern
Bill Bailey You have to have a thick skin, yes. If you’re going to do something as foolhardy as standup, you’ve got to be able to take it on the chin if someone has a go at you. – Bill Bailey
Jessie Reyez I was all depressed because my ex cheated on me. It was hard for me to get over that. – Jessie Reyez
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