John Sayles Fahrenheit 9/11 took public domain information that should have been on the news every night and put it in a film that a lot of people went to see. But still Bush has never had to answer those charges. – John Sayles Answer Quotes Bush Quotes Charges Quotes Domain Quotes Fahrenheit Quotes Film Quotes Lot Quotes News Quotes Night Quotes People Quotes Public Quotes For me the writing, when I’m going to direct it myself, is really just the first draft, and I don’t change it very much; I only change it on average about two lines per movie. But compared to writing a novel, where you can be God, I did the Bay of Pigs invasion in six pages once, and there were 50,000 guys with boots that I didn’t have to pay, and all those extras; we didn’t have to pay them.
FutureKhalid I’m really excited about what the future holds and to grow as an individual and as an artist. – Khalid
Larry Brilliant If I have a 100 percent batting average, you should fire me, because it means we haven’t tried anything really noble. – Larry Brilliant
Michael Moss When it comes to salt, what was really staggering to me is that the industry itself is totally hooked on salt. It is this miracle ingredient that solves all of their problems. There is the flavor burst to the salt itself, but it also serves as a preservative, so foods can stay on the shelves for months. – Michael Moss
James Norton I crashed my bicycle on the way to my first date with my ex-girlfriend and was cautioned by the police. – James Norton
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