Gavin Williamson Failing to deliver Brexit risks fracturing the Conservative Party. – Gavin Williamson Brexit Quotes Conservative Quotes Deliver Quotes Failing Quotes Fracturing Quotes Party Quotes Risks Quotes As a prospective party leader, Boris’s reach across the country is unparalleled. He is who our opponents fear most. Mrs. Thatcher actually won her big majorities in the Eighties with a smaller vote share than she did in 1979. This happened because the Left was torn between the Labour Party and the SDP/Liberal alliance.
Gus Van Sant I think that what I’m attracted to is people who are wild. But the self-destructive side comes out of the wild side. The wildness is very different from me. That’s why I think I like it. – Gus Van Sant
Louise Leakey With the discovery of Zinjanthropus at Olduvai Gorge in 1959, my grandmother Mary Leakey pioneered the research in East Africa with my grandfather Louis. Many more spectacular fossil finds have since been made, both in Africa and elsewhere, by many researchers driven to understand our past. – Louise Leakey
Peter T King The president’s dream of a worldwide liberal utopia is going to undermine the security of the United States. – Peter T King
David Morse In my first film, I was a basketball player. Like every good actor, I lied when they asked me if I could play. – David Morse
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