Joe Garcia Family is more important than ideology. – Joe Garcia Family Quotes Ideology Quotes You can still do the Big Lie in Miami and get away with it. This is a town where the basic institutions have collapsed. The Cold War has ended for America.
Christian Horner When I started there was Frank Williams, Flavio Briatore, Ron Dennis, Eddie Jordan and Peter Sauber round the table. These were entrepreneurial team owners, mavericks in some respects. – Christian Horner
DreamsJunot Diaz I was part of that group of kids growing up in the ’80s under the Reagan regime, what I used to call ‘living in the shadow of Dr. Manhattan,’ where we would have dreams all the time that New York City was being destroyed, and that that wall of light and destruction was rolling out and would just devour our neighborhood. – Junot Diaz
CoolDimebag Darrell Some of my favorite harmonics are located between frets. There are two really cool ones between the 2nd and 3rd frets that I use a lot. – Dimebag Darrell
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