Andreja Pejic Fashion is quite inclusive and good at embracing different things and different forms of beauty. It’s a very liberal industry. You can be yourself. – Andreja Pejic Beauty Quotes Embracing Quotes Fashion Quotes Forms Quotes Inclusive Quotes Industry Quotes Liberal Quotes Gender dysphoria is never an easy thing to live with, mainly because people don’t understand it. My first passion is politics.
John 5 People don’t buy music anymore; they’re stealing it. But you can’t steal a live show. There’s no way to reproduce a real live show. So I think that when you put a great bill together, that people will come out for it. – John 5
EnvironmentalPhil Scott Vermont is a leader in environmental policy and natural resource management. – Phil Scott
PositiveSeamus Heaney As writers and readers, as sinners and citizens, our realism and our aesthetic sense make us wary of crediting the positive note. – Seamus Heaney
Kenneth Scott Latourette In the third century after Christ the faith continued to spread. – Kenneth Scott Latourette
Dick Strawbridge I was captain of the rugby side at Shrivenham – as were my two brothers after me. – Dick Strawbridge
Joivan Wade By the time I was 20 I wanted to be in my first Hollywood blockbuster. Achieving that by 24 is amazing, by God’s grace – but you’re running on a ticking time bomb. – Joivan Wade
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