Mithun Chakraborty Fathers always play mahagurus to their children, and I am no exception. – Mithun Chakraborty Children Quotes Exception Quotes Fathers Quotes Mahagurus Quotes Play Quotes You become megastars when superstars start reprising your roles. West Bengal belongs to Bengalis. We should live here like a king and not as servants.
Taboo Apl, my bandmate, is from the Philippines. He came to America in 1989, and the first person he met was And then, I met them when we were 17. Our common ground was music. – Taboo
Leslie Jones Every black comedian in the country knew what I could do. But that doesn’t mean everyone else is paying attention. – Leslie Jones
Moran Atias Anna Magnani, Sophia Loren, Meryl Streep – I love actresses that are strong and fragile at the same time. They bring complexity to their roles. – Moran Atias
Andrew Solomon My parents’ usual reprimand was to remind me that I was not the Prince of Wales. – Andrew Solomon
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