DadMargaret Mead Fathers are biological necessities, but social accidents. – Margaret Mead Accidents Quotes Biological Quotes Dad Quotes Fathers Quotes Necessities Quotes Social Quotes Dad was a hunter and had guns in the house all the time. My father was something of a rainbow-chaser.
Leif Garrett There are certain things people always bring up with me. The accident. The drugs. And how tight my pants were. – Leif Garrett
Patricia Espinosa In the case of the Paris Agreement, if we want to have full compliance with the Paris Agreement, we need not only action by governments; we need the action by all of society. – Patricia Espinosa
Paloma Elsesser I hope that in 50 years I can look back and say I made my most fervent efforts to provide visibility for the unseen. – Paloma Elsesser
PowerRobert Green Ingersoll Most people can bear adversity; but if you wish to know what a man really is give him power. – Robert Green Ingersoll
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