ExperienceLaura Hillenbrand Fatigue is what we experience, but it is what a match is to an atomic bomb. – Laura Hillenbrand Atomic Quotes Bomb Quotes Experience Quotes Fatigue Quotes Match Quotes I love being immersed in nature, going to places in the world that are pristine and untouched by man. It’s almost a religious experience when you go to a place like the Amazon, and there’s no civilisation for thousands of miles. My personal experience has been that in my 25 years of writing, I have not been asked to do more than four or five commercial one-shot scripts. These were performed on major national hook-ups but produced for me no immediate additional jobs or requests. One script for BBC was done around the world with an all-star cast.
Misty Copeland I want the ballet world to be given the respect that it deserves and to be seen by more people – for so many to experience the beauty that I’ve received from the ballet world. – Misty Copeland
Ronnie Wood Jo left me a few months ago for 10 days. I get this note: I’ll come back when the real Ronnie comes back. – Ronnie Wood
John Branch I don’t really love writing. I don’t love the feeling of starting a new file. But I love the feeling of overcoming and accomplishing. – John Branch
Glenne Headly Theatre requires devotion that is all-consuming. When we started out, we didn’t mind working 12 hours a day. We didn’t mind going endlessly over and over a scene to make it right. I was the company’s costumer for the first few years, and I remember the budget for ‘Balm in Gilead’ was $150. – Glenne Headly
Jaleel White I was fortunate to work with some very powerful producers like Tom Miller and Bob Boyett. – Jaleel White
Joel McHale When I started ‘The Soup’ back in 2004, I was so anxious because I can’t really read, and I had to read teleprompter. – Joel McHale
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