Howard Carter Feverishly we cleared away the remaining last scraps of rubbish on the floor of the passage before the doorway, until we had only the clean sealed doorway before us. – Howard Carter Clean Quotes Cleared Quotes Doorway Quotes Feverishly Quotes Floor Quotes Passage Quotes Remaining Quotes Rubbish Quotes Scraps Quotes Sealed Quotes The news of the discovery spread fast all over the country, and inquisitive enquiries mingled with congratulations from this moment became the daily programme. As the work proceeded we found that the western end of the cutting receded under the slope of the rock, and thus was partly roofed over by the overhanging rock.
RJ Barrett Whenever I can put a fresh, clean suit on, I’m like a peacock. That’s my most confident moment. – RJ Barrett
MedicalSam Harris It is difficult to think of anything more important than providing the best education possible for our children. They will develop the next technologies, medical cures, and global industries, while mitigating their unintended effects, or they will fail to do these things and consign us all to oblivion. – Sam Harris
Lana Turner Oh, how I treasure this freedom. I really do It’s a glorious, wonderful experience. I am off marriage – for life! – Lana Turner
Jamie Clayton If I have a connection with someone, I’d like to think that they’d be able to respect that connection enough and respect themselves enough to not care about my past – that they would want to see what happens between us. – Jamie Clayton
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