Charles Stross Fiction is the study of the human condition under imagined circumstances. – Charles Stross Circumstances Quotes Condition Quotes Fiction Quotes Human Quotes Imagined Quotes Study Quotes I tend to work on the principle that much humour relies on cognitive dissonance – on the foreground not matching the background, on the protagonist’s response to a situation being inappropriate, and so on. Luckily, I’m not a stand-up comedian, so I don’t get the fear of standing on stage in front of a dead audience: my humorous pieces have to make it past an editor before they get exposed to the public.
Bjarne Stroustrup With the increasing importance of standards for system-level objects such as COM and CORBA, it is particularly important that the C++ bindings to those be clean, well documented, and simple to use. – Bjarne Stroustrup
Elie WieselSmile For me, every hour is grace. And I feel gratitude in my heart each time I can meet someone and look at his or her smile. – Elie Wiesel
Eric Bledsoe You can have all the talent in the world, but if you don’t bring it every night then nothing matters. – Eric Bledsoe
Priti Patel Since the start of the Thatcher economic and fiscal reforms the U.K. economy has expanded five-fold. – Priti Patel
Michelle Wolf There’s something about us as stand-ups that when we’re on our feet, we feel more in control of the situation and in control of our bodies and our delivery. – Michelle Wolf
RelationshipTim Tebow If you’re married, and you have a wife, and you really love your wife, is it good enough to only say to your wife ‘I love her’ the day you get married? Or should you tell her every single day when you wake up and every opportunity? And that’s how I feel about my relationship with Jesus Christ is that it is the most important thing in my life. – Tim Tebow
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