Camila Cabello Fifth Harmony as a group represents more confidence, more girl power, more unity. They’re anthems, as opposed to confessional songwriting about one person’s life when there are five individual women. – Camila Cabello Anthems Quotes Confessional Quotes Confidence Quotes Girl Quotes Harmony Quotes Individual Quotes Life Quotes Opposed Quotes Persons Quotes Power Quotes Represents Quotes Songwriting Quotes Unity Quotes Women Quotes I think songwriting was the biggest way that I found my identity. I’ve always written songs that were confessional, acoustic, wordy – my writing style matches my personality. The music always has to match the mouth it comes out of.
Heidi Roizen You know what somebody else’s fundraise metrics are to you? Irrelevant. You know what your own last round post was? Irrelevant. Yes, I know, not legally, because of those pesky rights and preferences. But emotionally, trust me: it is irrelevant now. We even have a name for this – valuation nostalgia. – Heidi Roizen
Martha MacCallum All my life, I’ve had a strong belief that I want to judge myself and others on their contribution, not their sex. I don’t think much of it when employers want applause for hiring women or minorities. Whether for the Supreme Court or McDonald’s, if you hire the best person, you’ll have a diverse workplace. – Martha MacCallum
DietStephen Furst I tell people I’m on a diet. If somebody sees me with a muffin, they’ll think I’m off my diet. It’s like secret little police that I’ve made for myself. – Stephen Furst
Casey Kasem For years everyone looked toward the demise of radio when television came along. Before that, they thought talking movies might eliminate radio as well. But radio just keeps getting stronger. – Casey Kasem
Mickey Mantle I always loved the game, but when my legs weren’t hurting it was a lot easier to love. – Mickey Mantle
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