John Thorn Finally, for all of us but a lucky few, the dream of playing big-time baseball is relinquished so we can get on with grown-up things. – John Thorn Baseball Quotes Bigtime Quotes Dream Quotes Finally Quotes Grownup Quotes Lucky Quotes Playing Quotes Relinquished Quotes For many in baseball September is a month of stark contrast with April, when everyone had dared to hope. If baseball is a lot like life, as pundits declare, it is because life is more about losing than winning. Donning a glove for a backyard toss, or watching a ball game, or just reflecting upon our baseball days, we are players again, forever young.
Stephen Gostkowski I personally love kicking off. It gives me another chance to get on the field. – Stephen Gostkowski
Lee Zeldin The BDS movement goes way beyond any legitimate, reasonable criticism of a government. – Lee Zeldin
Chuck Liddell I’ve never found that getting physical is ever the best response in a bar. You just have to make sure you keep your distance, and if it gets to a point where it gets aggressive, then the best thing to do is go get a bouncer and get the situation resolved intelligently. – Chuck Liddell
Jim Crace If you read the fables, ‘Beowulf,’ for example, you will know something about the person who writes them, and I like that. Secondly, they will not be about individuals; they will be about community. Thirdly, they’re all about moralizing. Fourthly, the way they express themselves takes its tone from the oral tradition. – Jim Crace
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