Shashi Tharoor Five decades ago, as India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, began visibly ailing, the nation and the world were consumed by the question: ‘After Nehru, who?’ The inexpressible fear lay in the subtext to the question: ‘After Nehru, what?’ – Shashi Tharoor Ailing Quotes Consumed Quotes Decades Quotes Fear Quotes Indias Quotes Inexpressible Quotes Jawaharlal Quotes Lay Quotes Minister Quotes Nation Quotes Nehru Quotes Prime Quotes Question Quotes Subtext Quotes Visibly Quotes I returned to India after long years of international service, because I had always cherished the desire to make a difference in my own country. The abrupt and sudden death of my wife has taken a severe emotional and psychic toll on me. On top of that, some people have stooped so low that they have tried to use my personal tragedy for their personal benefit.
Max MullerMorning I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains – so simple, so true, if once understood. – Max Muller
Danis Tanovic The thing with ‘No Man’s Land’ is not to see it, but how to make people to go to see it. The one negative criticism I’ve heard is that the relationship between tragedy and comedy is so perfect that it becomes suspicious. I take it as a complement. – Danis Tanovic
Daniel Kahneman Except for some effects that I attribute mostly to age, my intuitive thinking is just as prone to overconfidence, extreme predictions, and the planning fallacy as it was before I made a study of these issues. – Daniel Kahneman
Romesh Ranganathan I don’t believe in make-or-break moments in your life. If you screw something up, it can knock you down, but that only means you’ll be better when you get back to where you were before. – Romesh Ranganathan
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