Kevin Lynch Flash and HTML have co-existed, and they’re going to continue to co-exist. – Kevin Lynch Coexist Quotes Coexisted Quotes Continue Quotes Flash Quotes The productivity and expressiveness of Flash remain advantages for the Web community even as HTML advances. When you’re displaying content, any technology will use more power to display, versus not displaying content.
Estelle I never do a show where the people just sit there and look at me. They always sing along. It’s going to be a fun time. – Estelle
Paul Harvey Cut out the free feed for the boss hogs at the public trough and the spill-over they’ve been leaving us. We’ll manage. – Paul Harvey
Charles Bradley I just love dancing. When the music is really hitting my soul, then I really want to get into it. – Charles Bradley
Rachel Kushner Success is a completely abstract thing – it has no bearing on daily life, family matters, the matter of artistic creation, but it can affect grace, and if I lose that, I really have gained nothing from success. – Rachel Kushner
Jaime Harrison Black History Month is a poignant time for the entire country, but particularly the African American community. – Jaime Harrison
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