Adam D'Angelo Focus on the long term, and always do what’s right to grow the company and not make short-term decisions. And outlast everyone one. – Adam D’Angelo Company Quotes Decisions Quotes Focus Quotes Grow Quotes Outlast Quotes Shortterm Quotes Term Quotes The area we define as what Quora’s good at is long-form text that’s useful over time, and where you care about who wrote the text. Not that you need to be friends with them, just that they’re someone trustworthy. Questions and answers is a big space, and there are lots of possible systems that you can create for different goals.
Christopher Alexander To work our way towards a shared language once again, we must first learn how to discover patterns which are deep, and capable of generating life. – Christopher Alexander
Earl Campbell Pittsburgh was a great team. Coach Noll, Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, L.C. Greenwood and all those guys did a great job. That’s the team that kept us from winning two Super Bowls. It was a great rivalry. – Earl Campbell
BestSylvia Earle The best scientists and explorers have the attributes of kids! They ask question and have a sense of wonder. They have curiosity. ‘Who, what, where, why, when, and how!’ They never stop asking questions, and I never stop asking questions, just like a five year old. – Sylvia Earle
Marcus Smart I never had a spring break. I’ve always been on the road. I’ve always been traveling. – Marcus Smart
Margaret Heffernan Everyone I know feels harassed by email which has invaded their waking and sleeping hours. – Margaret Heffernan
Azita Ghanizada I’m the first girl from Afghanistan to lead a series in the United States. – Azita Ghanizada
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