Curt Gowdy Folks, this is perfect weather for today’s game. Not a breath of air. – Curt Gowdy Air Quotes Breath Quotes Folks Quotes Game Quotes Perfect Quotes Todays Quotes Weather Quotes I never took myself too seriously. An announcer is only as good as yesterday’s performance.
ImaginationJames Weldon Johnson The peculiar fascination which the South held over my imagination and my limited capital decided me in favor of Atlanta University; so about the last of September I bade farewell to the friends and scenes of my boyhood and boarded a train for the South. – James Weldon Johnson
ChanceHope Jahren Each beginning is the end of a waiting. We are each given exactly one chance to be. Each of us is both impossible and inevitable. – Hope Jahren
Richard Shelby Are we going to change the Constitution? I hope never. We would have to amend it. Let’s uphold the Second Amendment. – Richard Shelby
Octavia E ButlerPeace Tolerance, like any aspect of peace, is forever a work in progress, never completed, and, if we’re as intelligent as we like to think we are, never abandoned. – Octavia E Butler
Joseph Hume I maintain that the existing corn laws are bad, because they have given a monopoly of food to the landed interest over every other class and over every other interest in the kingdom. – Joseph Hume
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