Sarah Jessica Parker Follow your instincts and do not let other people’s opinion of you become your opinion of yourself. – Sarah Jessica Parker Follow Quotes Instincts Quotes Opinion Quotes Peoples Quotes If I didn’t have kids, I would be at the theater or the ballet every single night of my life. Friends are readily disappointed by the size of my closet. And I thought it was big!
Awkwafina Other female rappers are overly sexual, have no wit, and their lyrics are so generic. I want to change the game to make rap that shows I’m not a normal female rapper – it’s not about how rich I am, how much sex I have, or how many boyfriends I have. That’s just not me. – Awkwafina
Georgia O'Keeffe Sun-bleached bones were most wonderful against the blue – that blue that will always be there as it is now after all man’s destruction is finished. – Georgia O’Keeffe
Lauren Schmidt Hissrich I think that anytime you’re doing casting and you’re casting something that has a lot of existing fans you’re going to get a lot of opinions about whether it matches fans vision. – Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
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