Sasha Grey Footage of young people getting shot. That bothers me. It hits a nerve. – Sasha Grey Bothers Quotes Footage Quotes Hits Quotes Nerve Quotes People Quotes Shot Quotes I find it vulgar that people are so fascinated by natural disasters, and we allow footage of young people that are looting because they have no choice because of natural disaster. My body is my art, and it’s also the tool that I use to make money.
Peter Singer The Pentagon said that these prisoners were kept in accordance with the Geneva Convention, and of course I was not reassured by that, but I couldn’t prove that that was wrong; so we’re clearer about that. – Peter Singer
Julius Peppers If my play is not to run and chase the ball, if my play is to stay backside, then I’ve got to stay backside. I’ve got to be disciplined. I can’t run across the field and chase stuff that’s not mine. – Julius Peppers
Jada Pinkett Smith Love and honesty are the things that make a good wife and mother. – Jada Pinkett Smith
HappinessJohn Mason Good Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool. – John Mason Good
Cynthia Germanotta Stefani was very unique and that wasn’t always appreciated by her peers and, as a result, she went through a lot of difficult times. Humiliated, taunted, isolated. When you’re a young woman, this really severely impacts you. – Cynthia Germanotta
Brad Paisley I love to play. When I’m off, I feel a little lost – like, shouldn’t I be on stage somewhere? – Brad Paisley
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