Patrice Evra Football is like a pyramid. It is easy to reach the top of the pyramid, but to stay there is the hardest part. – Patrice Evra Easy Quotes Football Quotes Hardest Quotes Pyramid Quotes Reach Quotes Stay Quotes When I hear people say Patrice never had someone to fight him for his place, I think they have bad memories. They forget very quickly how I got to become Manchester United’s left-back. I fought with two great players in Gabriel Heinze and Mikael Silvestre. Patrice Evra has always fought for his place.
Bob Einstein I think what’s hysterically funny is a guy who sets himself up as the most confident, everything’s-perfect, know-it-all, things-are-swell human being and then gets wiped out every time. – Bob Einstein
ChanceDustin Johnson I think every part of your game, on this golf course, needs to be good. You’ve got to hit every club in the bag. You need to drive it well, hit your irons well, and always, if you want to have a chance to win a Major, then you’ve got to putt it well. – Dustin Johnson
Daniel Day-Lewis I avoid talking about the way I work. But in avoiding it I seem only to have encouraged people to focus their fantasies about me in an ever more fantastical way. – Daniel Day-Lewis
Laura Kuenssberg I’m well rewarded for a job I massively enjoy doing. I think I’m paid very fairly. – Laura Kuenssberg
GoodGreatIndra NooyiLeadership Leadership is hard to define and good leadership even harder. But if you can get people to follow you to the ends of the earth, you are a great leader. – Indra Nooyi
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