Ray William Johnson For almost a year, I sporadically made these rather lame video blogs in my dorm. These video blogs were reflective of most video blogs during that time in that they had no real structure and were kind of just all over the place. – Ray William Johnson Blogs Quotes Dorm Quotes Lame Quotes Real Quotes Reflective Quotes Sporadically Quotes Structure Quotes Time Quotes Video Quotes I run advertisements and sell T-shirts to cover overhead costs and pay the few people who help me out behind the scenes. Anything left over is spent on production costs, animation costs, etc. During my long study sessions in the library, I found myself watching YouTube videos during study breaks.
Pardis Sabeti So much of the physical world has been explored. But the deluge of data I get to investigate really lets me chart new territory. Genetic data from people living today forms an archaeological record of what happened to their ancestors 10,000 years ago. – Pardis Sabeti
Gerardo Martino Messi’s start to 2015 has been unrivalled. His efficiency in front of goal and the amount of goals he has scored cannot be bettered. – Gerardo Martino
E O Wilson I was a senior in high school when I decided I wanted to work on ants as a career. I just fell in love with them, and have never regretted it. – E O Wilson
Iris Chang For some reason, I seem to be bothered whenever I see acts of injustice and assaults on people’s civil liberties. I imagine what I write in the future will follow in that vein. Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction. – Iris Chang
Roy Harper When I was 15, I was wearing sandals and corduroys, Guernsey, striped pullover, a beard that was hardly there, shades and a beret, and the goal was hanging out. – Roy Harper
Jerome Powell The Federal Reserve is committed to fulfilling our statutory mandate of stable prices and maximum employment. – Jerome Powell
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